A Collection of Five 17th Century Vellum Bound Books A Collection of Five 17th Century Vellum Bound Books


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A Collection of Five 17th Century Vellum Bound Books, including Epistolae Selectae, by Hieronymi, Florilegiumby Josephi Langh, Commoediae Sex by...

A Collection of Five 17th Century Vellum Bound Books, including Epistolae Selectae, by Hieronymi, Florilegiumby Josephi Langh, Commoediae Sex by Terentili, andAnnotatores in Leviticum, Numeros et Deuteronomium, 2 volumes.


A Collection of Five 17th Century Vellum Bound Books, including Epistolae Selectae, by Hieronymi, Florilegiumby Josephi Langh, Commoediae Sex by Terentili, andAnnotatores in Leviticum, Numeros et Deuteronomium, 2 volumes.