An Antique Chinese Bronze and Cloisonne Group of Guanyin Seated on Elephant, Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Chia Ching (r. 1796-1820)
(G75) Exquisitely carved, the bodhisattva of compassion and mercy depicted atop a standing elephant, seated at ease in lalitasana, holding a scroll in her left hand, her right hand in vitarka mudra, her hair arranged into...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of a Standing Bodhisattva, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G21) The bodhisattva depicted in an elegant standing pose, the round face with harmonised features, with high eyebrows arching over half-closed almond-shaped eyes, the face framed by tightly coiled tresses of hair painted with blue-black...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G76) A particularly fine portrayal of the bodhisattva of compassion and mercy, resplendent with detailed polychrome application, seated at ease in lalitasana, the face with characteristically idealized features surmounted by a high reticulated foliate diadem centred...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin Riding an Elephant , Late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G71) Exuding majesty and composure, the bodhisattva of compassion seated at ease in rajalilasana upon a recumbent elephant, her head crowned with a lofty pierced diadem composed of foliate scrolls and centred by the carved image...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G69) A charming representation of the bodhisattva of compassion, with a pleasing symmetry of form, seated at ease in dhyanasana, her straight body perfectly balanced, her hands in vitarka mudra, her round head surmounted by a...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin , Late Ming Dynasty
(G66) Graceful and composed, the bodhisattva of compassion seated elegantly in rajalilasana, her right forearm resting on her raised knee, her left hand supporting the pose, her hair swept up dramatically into an elaborate high topknot,...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Period (1368-1644) Hung Chih (1488-1505)
(G65) Seated majestically in rajalilasana, with her right hand resting on the raised knee, the left hand supporting the pose, the figure crowned with an intricate foliate diadem, the carved effigy of the Amitabha Buddha seated...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin Riding an Elephant, Late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G70) A charming portrayal of the benevolent bodhisattva seated in lalitasana on a recumbent elephant, resplendent with polychrome application, her head surmounted with a tall foliate diadem, her hair arranged into an elaborate high chignon, with...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644); Cheng Hua (1455-1487)
(G64) Radiating grace and dynamism, the benevolent bodhisattva exquisitely carved, seated at ease in lalitasana with her left hand raised in a form of vitarka mudra, the right hand supporting the pose, her head crowned with...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G63) Gracefully depicted, the bodhisattva of compassion seated in a relaxed posture of rajalilasana, her left elbow resting on the raised knee with the fingers clutching the fabric of her shoulder scarf, the right hand resting...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin Riding a Qilin, Late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G62) Exquisitely carved, the bodhisattva of compassion bedecked with plentiful adornments, seated in rajalilasana atop a recumbent qilin, her right forearm resting on the raised knee, the left forearm supported by an elliptical armrest, her head...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin Riding a Qilin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G60) A charming portrayal of the bodhisattva of compassion sitting on a qilin, enlivened with polychrome application, adorned with an elegant high diadem composed of foliate scrolls, with her hair arranged elaborately into a high looped...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G59) Resplendent with polychrome application, the bodhisattva of compassion portrayed in the graceful seated posture of rajalilasana, her right forearm resting on the raised knee with the hand in a variation of vitarka mudra, the left...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Late Ming/Early Qing Dynasty
(G58) A dynamic portrayal of the benevolent bodhisattva, enlivened with polychrome application, seated in rajalilasana, her left hand resting on the raised knee, the right hand supporting the pose, crowned with a pierced foliate diadem bearing...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G57) The bodhisattva of compassion portrayed with plentiful adornments, resplendent with polychrome application, seated elegantly in rajalilasana, with her right forearm resting on the raised knee, the left hand supporting the pose, her head crowned with...
A Carved Wood Standing Figure of a Bodhisattva, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
The Bodhisattva standing in a posture of composed elegance and grace, crowned with an elaborate foliate diadem adorned with seated Amitaba Buddha, her hair swept back majestically into a high chignon, some loose locks of...
A Northern Wei Period Stone Standing Torso of a Bodhisattva, 5th Century AD
The figure wearing a traditional pilgrim's robe in closed mode wrapped and tied high across the chest with concentric folds falling towards the lower limbs, the upper arms covered also and supporting deep folds of...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G56) Depicted in a composed posture of rajalilasana, her left hand resting on the raised leg, the right elbow resting on an integral armrest, her head crowned with a high foliate diadem centred by the carved...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G55) Resplendent with polychrome application, the figure seated at ease in rajalilasana, with the right hand resting on the raised leg, the left hand supporting the pose, she wears a magnificent foliate diadem with applied vermilion...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Mid Ming Dynasty (15th century)
(G54) A rather solemn depiction of the bodhisattva of compassion, resplendent with polychrome application, seated in lalitasana with her hands in a form of vitarka mudra, holding a lotus flower-head in her right hand, crowned with...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G53) A harmonious depiction of the benevolent bodhisattva, the composition with a pleasing symmetry of form, her head crowned with an intricate pierced foliate diadem, centred by the carved effigy of the seated Amitabha Buddha, her...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin Riding an Elephant, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G52) Enlivened with polychrome application, the benevolent bodhisattva seated majestically in rajalilasana astride a recumbent elephant, with her right arm resting on the raised leg, the left hand supporting the pose, her hair arranged in a...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G51) Enhanced with polychrome application, the bodhisattva of compassion seated majestically in rajalilasana, her right hand resting on the raised leg, the left hand supporting the pose, her head surmounted by an elegant high foliate coronet,...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G50) Magnificently rendered with polychrome application, with superb gold and vermilion pigments enlivening the portrayal, complemented by blue-black and copper-green details, seated majestically in rajalilasana, her right hand resting on the raised leg, the left hand...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G49) Enlivened with polychrome application, her head on a slight incline, wearing a high foliate coronet, centred by the carved effigy of the seated Amitabha Buddha, the plump face with idealized features emanating an aura of...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Mid Ming Dynasty (circa 15th century)
(G48) A striking portrayal of the benevolent bodhisattva, seated majestically in rajalilasana, her face surmounted by an elegant high coronet detailed with foliate scrolls and centred by a large flower-head, with a baseline of meander pattern,...
A Chinese Carved Wood Standing Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G14) The full-bodied figure enlivened with vibrant polychrome application, adorned with a three-pointed crown composed of foliate scrolls, the hair tied back into an elaborate high chignon, with tresses looped around her pendulous lobes and flowing...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of a Standing Bodhisattva, Mid Ming Dynasty (circa 15th century)
(G20) The figure gracefully portrayed, with the round face on a slight incline, an urna indented in the centre of the forehead, the harmonised features framed by rippled tresses of hair, the hair twisted into a...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin Riding an Elephant Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G46) A fine portrayal of the bodhisattva of compassion, enlivened with traces of polychrome application, seated in a form of the pensive attitude posture, with the hands crossed in front and supporting the right knee,...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644)
(G31) Radiating humility and grace, the round face surmounted by a high foliate diadem composed of tight scrolls and centred with a large flower-head, the petals of the flower embellished with gold pigment, her hair arranged...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644)
(G32) The bodhisattva depicted in a meditative pose, seated in dhyanasana with the right foot exposed, the left hand raised gravely in abhaya mudra, the gesture of protection, adorned with a pentagonal diadem centred with...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin Riding a Lion, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G30) With a contemplative air, magnificently rendered with vermilion, copper-green and blue-black pigments, her characteristically round face crowned with a foliate diadem, her hair drawn back into a high chignon, with some tresses looped around...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of a Guanyin , Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G34) Represented with a contemplative air, the round face with idealised features radiating supreme serenity, with softly modelled features and plump cheeks, a large urna indented in the centre of her forehead, with the suggestion of...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin Riding an Elephant, Late Ming/Early Qing Dynasty
(G17) Exuding vitality and grace, the bodhisattva resplendent with vibrant pigments applied to the surface, the rippling hair coloured with a naturalistic blue-black pigment, the characteristically round face with flesh-pink pigment, the fine features idealized and...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin Riding a Lion, Late Ming/Early Qing Dynasty
(G18) The bodhisattva of mercy exquisitely carved and painted, resplendent with vibrant pigments applied to the surface, the rippling hair coloured with a naturalistic blue-black pigment, the characteristically round face painted with flesh-pink pigment, the...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of a Bodhisattva, Late Ming Dynasty
(G21) Painted naturalistically with flesh-pink pigment, with a square jawline and large facial features, her hair secured in a high chignon, some tresses looped around the ears and falling in rippling tendrils across the shoulders,...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G 16) A dignified portrayal of the bodhisattva, resplendent with blue-black pigment detailing the hair and areas of the dhoti and vermilion pigment applied to the figures skin and robes, the serene round face with...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of a Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644)
Harmoniously composed, with polychrome application, the characteristically round face with idealized features emanating an aura of contemplation and understanding, an urna indented in the centre of her forehead, the half-closed almond-shaped eyes set with stone...
A Carved Wooden Figure of Guanyin, Late Ming/Early Qing Period
Glowing with dynamism, with vibrant polychrome application, her face with pleasingly harmonised features lovingly carved, with a large urna indented in the centre of her forehead, she wears an intricate foliate diadem enlivened with copper-green...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
(G39) An elegant depiction of the bodhisattva, she sits at ease in dhyanasana, with her right foot exposed, both hands in vitarka, the characteristically round face with harmonised features, with heavy high-arching eyebrows surmounting heavy-lidded...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin Shanxi Province, early 14th century, probably Yuan to Ming dynasty
With polychrome application, with naturalistic facial features, graceful strokes of blue-black paint indicating her eyebrows, with vermilion pigment applied to her full lips, her pupils articulated with blue-black paint, the round face framed by an...
A Carved Wooden Figure of Guanyin Riding a Lion, Late Ming/early Qing period
(G28) The bodhisattva of mercy delicately carved and painted, resplendent with vibrant pigments applied to the surface, the rippling hair coloured with a naturalistic blue-black pigment, the characteristically round face painted with flesh-pink pigment, set upon...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
Elegant and composed, she sits at ease in dhyanasana, with her right foot exposed, both hands in vitarka mudra, the characteristically round face with harmonised features, with heavy high-arching eyebrows surmounting heavy-lidded almond-shaped eyes, the...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Late Yuan/Early Ming Dynasty
A harmonious depiction of the bodhisattva of compassion, with a pleasing symmetry of form, seated indhyanasana with both feet exposed, her hands folded on her lap with the palms facing upwards, her head surmounted by...
A Cast Iron Figure of a Bodhisattva
Seated virasana with both hands open in a form of vitarkamudra, with serene expression the hair arranged in conical curls rising to a low domed usnisha, raised on a Lotus base, embossed character text verso....
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), 18th century
Resplendent with vibrant vermilion, blue-black and copper-green pigments, her serene countenance exuding contentment and spiritual ease, the plump face with harmonised features surmounted by a magnificent floral diadem centred by a vermilion flower-head, the rippling...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Late Ming Dynasty
A magnificent representation of the bodhisattva, with her austere facial features offset by the composure and grace of her posture, the harmonious composition bespeaking at once her constraint and limitless compassion, with an elegant floral...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guan Yin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
A lively depiction of the bodhisattva of compassion, enhanced with stunning vermilion, blue-black and copper-green pigments, she wears a foliate diadem bearing the prominent carved figure of Amitabha set against its petal-shaped frontal facet, with...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Bodhisattva Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
Graceful and composed, the benevolent bodhisattva depicted with an expression and physicality of effortless serenity, the round face with soft features lovingly carved and idealized, the gentle contours of the arched eyebrows highlighting the sharply...
A Chinese Carved Wooden Figure of Bodhisattva Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
An imposing depiction of Guan Yin, wearing an elaborate foliate headdress adored with the carved figure of the seated Amitabha Buddha, the face characteristically round and jewelled, with the full mouth forming a pout under...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
A majestic portrayal of the bodhisattva of compassion, the facial features idealised and harmonious, with high arching eyebrows surmounting half-closed eyes, the full lips pursed in a meditative expression, the diamond-shaped urna indented in the...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Bodhisattva, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
Her features depicted austerely, with heavy-lidded eyes beneath high arching eyebrows, her thin lips pursed, a large urna indented in the centre of the forehead, the face bordered by articulated tresses of hair, her hair...
A Chinese Carved Wood Figure of Bodhisattva, Late Ming/Early Qing Dynasty
The bodhisattva exquisitely carved, her elaborate pierced coronet decorated with the seated figure of the Amitabha Buddha, set upon the characteristically round face with curved hairline, her hair swept back into a dramatically rendered, high-looped...