An Italian 19th Century Bureauplat with Black Leather Top
The shaped rectangular top inset with a tooled leather writing surface within a brass surround border, female masks and chute mounted at each corner issuing foliates. The three frieze draws each centred with gilt-metal foliate...
A Generous Ebonised and Ormolu Mounted Bureauplat, 19th Century
The black lacquered and ormolu mounted bureauplat with tooled red leather writing surface with string boarder and a rosette at each corner to graduated edge and corner clasps, over straight fronted frieze of two drawers,...
A Louis XIV Style Boulle Bureau Plat or Centre Table
The rectangular framed top elaborately inlaid with foliate interlacing over rectangular apron with central gilt mask mount with inlaid panel to either side flanked by gilt floral mounts, raised on square tapering legs joined by X-shaped stretcher on...
19th Century Black Lacquered and Ormolu Mounted Bureuplat
An exceptionally fine black lacquered and ormolu mounted bureau plat in the style of Jacques Dubois, the tooled red leather writing surface to graduated edge and leaf corner clasps, over straight fronted frieze of three...
A George I Walnut Bureau Cabinet, early 18th Century
The bureau cabinet of slight proportions with an arched cornice above a shaped mirror door with escutcheon, flanked by carved engaged columns and opening to shelved interior, the banded and burred fall front writing slope...