A Large Pair of Cast Iron Royal Coat of Arms, Mid 19th Century
Each coat of arms rendered with polychrome application, featuring the Scottish variant of the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom, the imperial crown surmounting the shield quarterly, the Scottish arms of a red...
A Pair of Cast Bronze Geese
Height 58 cm Should you have any queries regarding this product, please feel free to get in touch grahamgeddes@grahamgeddesantiques.com, or call us at +61 3 9509 0308
A Pair of Neoclassical Sienna Marble and Bronze d’Oré Tazze , Circa 1830
Each tazza with a bronze gadrooned bowl, an ormolu beaded tongue rim and upright scrolling acanthus profile handles, the bowl rising from a tapered stem and flared foot applied with bands and rosettes, atop a...
An 18th Century Spanish wrought iron Eclesiastical Candlestand
Height 183cm Length 140cm Depth 58cm
A Gilt-Bronze Group of the Infant Bacchus After Clodion , 19th Century
The wreathed infant Bacchus reclining along the back of a ram passant, entwined in vines of grape and ivy, his right hand clutching the horn of the animal and his left wrapping around the fragmented...
A French Cast Bronze Model of a Warwick Urn
Mounted on a rouge marble base with paw feet. Late 19th Century by Ferdinand Barbedienne. Height 22cm x 27cm Wide x 19cm Deep
A Late 16th Early 17th Century Italian Caved Oak and Pine Chest
The rectangular top with rounded carved foliate edges above a recessed panel front with centred keyhole, the raised mouldings with carved scroll and foliate motifs on a moulded base centred by cherub mask and carving...
An Italian Verde Marble Pedistal, Late 19th Century
The circular top on spiral shaft and moulded base Height 108cm
A Pair of Cut Crystal Claret Jugs
Of a cylindrical tapered form with Silver Plated mounts marked Whitehill, depicting Bacchus masks. Height 28cm each
A Taxidermy Tiger Skin
This lot is sold with an accompanying letter from the Wildlife, trade and Biosecurity branch of the Department of the Environment and Energy, Canberra, indicating that on the basis of the information supplied to the...
A Late 18th Century Crystal Bowl, Irish attributed to Waterford
Cut with an inverted scalloped rim on radial cut foot Foot Diameter 21.5cm x Bowl Diameter 26cm
A Pair of Imari Chargers, Late 19th Century
Coupled with two Royal Crown Derby Imari pattern plates
A Late 19th Century Scottish Victorian Silver Plate Retriever Double Cruet Set
The cruet in the popular late 19th century form of a retriever carrying a basket for salt in its mouth, wearing a saddle from which emanate two ring supports for a pressed glass pepper pot...
Small Marble Lotus Bowl
Hand carved marble lotus bowl with flared lip Diameter 23 cm x Height 16 cm x Diameter of lip opening 10 cm Should you have any queries regarding this product, please feel free to get...
Bone Inlay Box with Foliated Scroll
Length 31 cm x Depth 23 cm x Height 15 cm Should you have any queries regarding this product, please feel free to get in touch grahamgeddes@grahamgeddesantiques.com, or call us at +61 3 9509 0308...
An 18th Century Spanish Gilt and Polychrome Frame
The finely carved green painted rectangular frame applied with gilt acanthus scroll moulding. Height 83 cm x Width 78.5 cm x Depth 5.5 cm Should you have any queries regarding this product, please feel free...
A 19th Century Italian Figural Walnut Centrepiece of Dionysos
The contrapposto male figure modelled on the Praxitelan Dionysos prototype widely copied in Roman sculpture and existing in a number of copies and interpretations, the most famous being the first century AD So-Called Narcissus uncovered...
A Substantial 19th Century Spanish Copper and Brass Brazier
A substantial 19th century Spanish copper and brass brazier. The shallow circular body with a separate liner housed within lobed body, raised on lions paw feet. Dimensions: Height 40 cm, Diameter 66 cm
A 19th Century Spanish Silver-Plated Alter Crucifix
With acanthus leaf protruding from the end of each cross bar, the naturalistic solid cast corpus depicted bearded and with his head tilted to the left, his eyes closed wearing a radiant crown and cloth,...
Spanish 19th Century Silver Plated Crucifix
Each crossbar with floral band terminating in foliated cartouche centred with portrait of one of the four Evangelists; Matthew with angel, Mark with lion, Luke with ox and John with eagle, the naturalistic solid cast...
A Timber Trunk Stool
Should you have any queries regarding this product, please feel free to get in touch grahamgeddes@grahamgeddesantiques.com, or call us at +61 3 9509 0308 Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm. Please note shipping is not...
An Early 18th Century European 'Armada' Iron Chest
The flat topped chest with concealed keyhole, bound in iron, with iron strapwork punctuated by studs to the exterior, opening to an ornate spring loaded locking system behind a pierced grill to the underside of...
Terracotta Water Vessels
Early 20th Century Chinese water vessels, each with their own unique patternation surrounding the body.
Georgian Style Decanter
A handblown Georgian style magnum decanter with glass stopper. H 36 cm
A Classical Style Composite Figure of a Male
The figure in contrapposto stance, raised on a circular base. Height 57 cm
An 18th Century Italian Polychrome Figure
The bearded figure dressed in a classical robe within embossed and foliate decorations on a gilt ground. Height 43 cm
A 19th Century Bronze Equestrian Group of Louis XIV on Horseback
King Louis XIV of France known also as the 'Sun King' reigned from 1643 - 1715. A patron connoisseur and collector of the arts, Louis XIV promoted the ideology and aesthetic of Neo-classicism, and was...
A Bronze Mythological Figural Vase Base
Modelled as an elderly bacchanalian gentleman standing upon a dais holding aloft a circular support. Height 61 cm
A Pair of Classical Style Bronze Cherub Figures
Each winged figure holding an arrow. Height 75 cm
A Giant Clam Shell
These are available in various sizes and shapes, please contact us for availability.
A Pair of Two Chinese Plates, Late 17th Century
Each decorated with a central floral cartouche. Diameter 23.5 cm
A 19th Century Chinese Lacquered Tea Caddy
A 19th Century Chinese Lacquered Tea Caddy, with original zinc containers and ivory knobs, Height 11 cm Width 20 cm Depth 14 cm
A Chinoiserie Rectangular Chest Shaped Box with Dome Lid
A 19th Century black and gilt lacquer, chest shaped box, decorated with figural and foliate scenes. Height 10 cm Width 27 cm
An Early 19th Century Tortoiseshell Sewing Box
Of rectangular form, the whole raised on four ivory feet. The interior fitted with pink silk and eleven small compartments, including some of the original ivory sewing accessories.
An Anglo Indian Antler Veneered Tea Caddy, 19th Century
The sarcophagus shaped caddy with stepped lid, internally inlaid with a vizagapatam band to the underside of and fitted with antler veneered hinged lids, all raised on cross hatched bun feet.
A Tortoiseshell Tea Caddy, 19th Century
Rectangular with rounded corners the lid inset with a vacant cartouche, twin lidded compartments within all raised on squat bun feet. Length 18.5 cm
A Victorian Tortoiseshell Veneered Tea Caddy, 19th Century
Rectangular with rounded edges, silver inlay, stringing and vacant cartouche to lid, the interior with rosewood veneered lids, all raised on brass ball feet. Length 25 cm
Three Horn Snuff Boxes, Early 19th Century
One Rectangular, the other two ovoid. Inscribed D.Forbes 1849 Length 9 cm
A Timber Games Box With Assorted Paraphernalia, 19th Century
The lidded box with fitted interior containing various markers, playing surfaces and instructional aides for chess, backgammon and whist. Width 43 cm
A Neoclassical Style Tortoiseshell Veneered and Metal Mounted Jewellery Casket
Ovoid with a break front, the lid tapered and with putti finial, each segment metal banded all raised on a beaded bracket support. Width 26 cm
A Russian Papier Mache Troika Box, 19th Century
Rectangular, on a shaped base, the lid displaying a figurative scene of a horse drawn sled on a black ground. Width 13.5 cm
A Georgian Tea Caddy
A Georgian Tea Caddy, tortoise shell & silver with ivory internal trim & knobs, the domed lid opening to two canisters, set on bun feet. Early 19th Century. Length 17 cm
A Collection of Mineral Specimens with Glass Domes
A collection of Agate specimen, together with a glass dome and ebonised base. Height 24 cm
A Series of Fossilised Beetles with Domes.
A series of three well preserved specimens, with a carapace over the forepart, and a segmented hind part divided longitudinally, with deep ridges prominent along the body.
A 19th Century Spanish Wrought Iron and Copper Jardiniere
Supported on four legs, with very elaborate wrought iron work, faces of animals at the end of each arm. Height 92 cm Depth 94 cm
A Collection of Five 17th Century Vellum Bound Books
A Collection of Five 17th Century Vellum Bound Books, including Epistolae Selectae, by Hieronymi, Florilegiumby Josephi Langh, Commoediae Sex by Terentili, andAnnotatores in Leviticum, Numeros et Deuteronomium, 2 volumes.
A 19th Century English Important Brass Astronomical Telescope on a Tripod
Together with a fitted box containing extra lenses. Length 114 cm
A Cast Iron Gingerbread House Door Stopper
Depicting a traditional looking cottage, in green cast iron. Height 20 cm Length 24 cm
An Early 19th Century Indian Silver Foil Overlaid Palanquin
The open scroll and foliate embossed seat with a shaft to each end. Length 253 cm
A Brass Cased Single Draw Telescope
On stand, manufacturer's Mark Binola, 5 Rue Nationale, Rennes, raised on a brass and cast iron tripod. Length 99 cm
A Pair of Silver Foil Overlaid Torcheres
Each with turned, knopped stem rising to a sconce and drip pan, raised on a triform base. Height 78cm.
Pair of 19th Century Female Busts on Columnar Plinths
One figure gazes upwards and slightly to the right, the other gazes downwards and to the left, each figure draped in a loose fitting shawl, open at the chest, set upon a cylindrical plinth with...
A Pair of Late 19th Century French Bronze Personifications of Autumn & Spring
A pair of late 19th-early 20th century French bronze allegorical figures of autumn and spring, Each figure cast as a draped maiden, standing with one arm upraised and the other holding a basket balanced on...
Early 19th Century Plaster Cast of the Diana De Gabies
After the 1st century Roman marble copy found at Gabi outside Rome in 1792 and now in the Louvre, Paris. Based on the original 4th century B.C Greek Artemis by Praxiteles, the goddess of the...
A Classical Style Composite Figure of Maiden
The classically draped standing figure with tight curled hair and her right arm raised behind her back, together with a steel plinth. Height 175 cm
A White Marble Torso
Recalling the classical type of the dancing satyr, the body in chiastic pose, curving in the manner of 'serpentinata', the right thigh free and advanced, the left leg engaged, the lithe torso twisted to the...
A Lead Model of God Mercury, Circa 19th Century
Classically resolved wearing winged helmet and sandals raised on one foot above an orb and squared tablet base, together on a grey painted plinth. Height 215 cm
A Carved Marble Statue of a Child Late 16th Century, Early 17th
Standing semi draped figure with curled hair raised on a rough hewn base, lacking both hands, together with a modern metal plinth. Height 98 cm
A Large Classical Style Bronze Figure, 19th Century
Modelled as a young man draped in an animal hide lounging against a tree stump. Height 48 cm
An Antique Marble Bust of a Man, Possibly Roman or Later
His head turned to the right, with short hair, the eyes with drilled tear ducts, features worn, raised on a roughly hewn socle and a plinth. Height 103 cm
A 19th Century French Bronze Sculpture of “Ariadne on the Panther”
Cast after the original by Johann Heinrich Dannecker, Signed Diemiecher, Foundry mark Graux Marly Paris, France. Height 75 cm x 38 cm
A Taxidermied Specimen of a Pig Deer
Standing on a naturalistic style base Height 95cm Width 100cm
A Pair of Antique Cloisonne Baluster Vases
Each of baluster form with an out-turned lip and trumpet neck descending to broad shoulders and a flared base. The enamelwork with a black background, various yellow and polychrome taotie masks and both the upper...
A Group of Four Baroque Style Polychrome Putto
Depicting the personification of the four seasons. Height of each 89cm
Patinated Bronze Figure of Mercury - 19th Century
Modelled after Giambologna’s most celebrated work, the figure of Mercury is intended to be admired from every point of view. The figure clad in a winged helmet assumes an arabesque, his right leg and arm...