A Pair of French Empire Style Parcel Gilt Floor Candelabras, circa 1820. A Pair of French Empire Style Parcel Gilt Floor Candelabras, circa 1820.


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Each with a tapered faux marble column shaft rising to double foliate collar and leaf carved disc capital supporting a...

Each with a tapered faux marble column shaft rising to double foliate collar and leaf carved disc capital supporting a leaf nozzle, issuing two tiers of six slender foliate scroll branches to bud nozzles, continuing to a flaming torch finial, the shaft with conforming leaf carving below on three lion legs, a disc foot with surrounding foliate band on a square base, each side with pierced rosette, wreath and palmette carving.

Heigh Approximately 140cm 

Each with a tapered faux marble column shaft rising to double foliate collar and leaf carved disc capital supporting a leaf nozzle, issuing two tiers of six slender foliate scroll branches to bud nozzles, continuing to a flaming torch finial, the shaft with conforming leaf carving below on three lion legs, a disc foot with surrounding foliate band on a square base, each side with pierced rosette, wreath and palmette carving.

Heigh Approximately 140cm